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Description / Bocca Della Verita Perorin

Mouth of Truth Pelolin

La Mouth of Truth (aussi connue sous le nom de Bocca Della Verita) est l'une des plus grosses ventes de Magic Eyes, et ce n'est pas le fruit du hasard ! Après l'excellente version Soft, ils proposent aujourd'hui un masturbateur oral complètement repensé, la “Mouth of Truth Pelolin”. Le matériau souple, la gorge serrée et l'incroyable aspiration offrent d'excellentes sensations, et nous sommes persuadés que ce produit deviendra rapidement un classique.

Langue sexy

Une des caractéristiques les plus intrigantes de la Pelolin est sa langue. Cette langue rose aguicheuse est bien conçue et enveloppera la partie inférieure de votre pénis lors de vos va-et-vient.

Le reste de la partie extérieure est aussi très détaillé. Les lèvres affichent un léger sourire, et son petit nez pointu correspond à la belle illustration de domestique sur la boîte. Le flanc a, comme d'habitude, le nom "Magic Eyes" écrit en relief.


Comme toujours avec Magic Eyes, le matériau est de très haute qualité. Il a une très légère odeur, qui partira après quelques utilisations. Il est doux au toucher, tout comme la peau douce d'une femme. Quand vous le prenez en main, vous comprendrez à quel point il est souple et pliable. Avec ses 430 grammes, ce masturbateur est un peu plus lourd que ses deux prédécesseurs, ce qui est principalement dû à ses parois plus épaisses et charnues. En raison de son élasticité, la Pelolin s'adapte à plus ou moins toutes les longueurs de pénis.

Excellent masturbateur oral, avec des dents très délicates

Le tunnel de la Mouth of Truth Pelolin a été complètement reconçu, et même s'il a des similitudes avec les versions précédentes, c'est assurément un nouveau produit. 

MoT Pelolin

La plupart des masturbateurs ne sont excitants qu'à partir de la pénétration, mais le design de la Pelolin vous donnera envie de passer du temps au niveau de son entrée, en laissant ses lèvres douces et sa langue lisse caresser l'extrémité de votre pénis. Quand vous la pénétrerez plus en profondeur, la langue texturée enveloppera la partie inférieure de votre pénis, tandis que ses dents offrent une stimulation notable sur la partie supérieure. Ces dents sont constituées d'un matériau assez flexible, et même si elles sont plus fermes que le reste du matériau, elles ne sont pas pour autant rigides. Si vous voulez profiter d'elle sans ses dents, vous pouvez toujours les retirer facilement de façon permanente.

La gorge de la Pelolin débute avec une grosse bosse sur la partie supérieure. Elle vous caresse et se déplace légèrement en fonction de vos mouvements. Le tunnel a une structure organique, avec des bosses et des crêtes qui vous caressent de toutes parts, vous menant à une zone de fin délicieusement texturée. Le palais de la bouche de la Pelolin est recouvert de délicates crêtes. La première partie de la bouche offre une sensation modérée et est idéale pour se mettre dans le bain. Une fois prêt pour l'étape suivante, vous pourrez pénétrer sa gorge pour profiter d'une véritable gorge profonde. L'ouverture serrée de sa gorge vous enveloppe et vous pourrez la sentir vous caresser lors de chaque va-et-vient.

Elle suce exactement comme il le faut

La Pelolin est une déesse dans l'art de la succion. La forme du tunnel permet de créer une excellente aspiration, en particulier si vous extrayez l'air avant la pénétration. Dès que vous voudrez retirer votre bite, ce sextoy fera tout son possible pour vous gober à nouveau !


La Pelolin est fournie dans une belle boîte, avec un insert robuste en plastique à l'intérieur. L'insert a un couvercle, ce qui signifie que votre masturbateur est bien protégé de toutes parts.

L'artwork sur la partie extérieure est là encore tout sauf décevant ! Une fille avec des nattes et une belle tenue de domestique s'agenoue devant vous, levant les yeux vers les vôtres tandis qu'elle vous montre ses talents avec sa langue sur une banane.

En résumé

Cet excellent masturbateur oral fabriqué par Magic Eyes est un excellent ajout à la gamme “Mouth of Truth”. Avec sa légère pression, sa langue souple et son excellente aspiration, ce sextoy est clairement un immanquable !


Longueur du masturbateur : 14,5 cm
Longueur du tunnel : 13,5 cm
Largeur du masturbateur : 8 cm
Hauteur du masturbateur : 7 cm
Poids du masturbateur : 430 grammes
Matériau : TPE "Skin" de Magic Eyes
Masturbateur à double couche
Échantillon de lubrifiant inclus
Fabriqué par Magic Eyes

Mot art

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Fortement conseillé !
Review by TS
N'hésitez pas à l'acheter, vous ne serez pas déçu !
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Good stimulation
Review by LV
badge-check Verified Buyer
Really good looking product almost disturbing when i opened it the first time, the feeling is great and the teeths really add something even if sometimes its a bit hard. The only problem with this ona is the smell it is really weird, i have some toys and they never smelled that bad, even after multiples cleanings the smell is still here which is not really enjoyable for me. If you dont care go for it, really well made and the stimulation is nice
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Review by lipton
Toy de qualité
vraiment doux et efficace au niveau des sensations
Nettoyage facile
Livraison rapide et discrète
je le recommande
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Très bon produit
Review by Simon
C'est la première fois que j'utilise un objet de ce genre et dès les premiers instants ou j'ai eu l'objet entre les mains, on est assez surpris par le toucher (c'est bien plus réaliste que les mannequins balistiques ou que les peaux synthétiques utilisé en apprentissage de la médecine/tatouage)

Au moment du premier nettoyage en vue de la première utilisation je commence à me dire "mince vu la taille de l'orifice par rapport à mon organe ça va p-e être juste...", j'ai pris soin de bien le faire sécher à l'aide d'outils adapté et il faut avouer que c'est pas contraignant et chronophage.

Après le séchage et la préparation à l'aide d'une chaufferette USB, viens le moment de l'essayage et là c'est la surprise: les sensations sont vraiment très bonnes, les dents ne m'ont pas gêné et j'ai mon appréhension à la taille de l'orifice est très vite passée. J'ai passé un bon moment et je vais apprécier

Je recommande donc vivement l'achat pour ceux qui sont à la recherche d'un bon jouet de ce genre.
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Très bon choix
Review by Anonyme
Produit de qualité, un TPE spécial qui donne une très bonne sensation au toucher, des dents malheureusement un peu dures. Pas très long mais ce n'est pas gênant.
Se nettoie très facilement malgré ce que l'on peut penser avec de l'eau et une noisette de savon anti-bactérien, pas trop pour éviter d'agresser la texture, toujours avoir de la poudre d'entretien avec soit.
La livraison a été très rapide, 2 jours ouvrés avec ups, et discrète en plus de ça !
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# of holes 1
Poids du produit 430,00 g
Reusable Is reusable
Theme Anime
Tunnel length 135,00 mm
Open/Closed Closed
Number of layers 2

International Reviews

Not for me
Commentaire par B.G
When I first saw the cross-section of this product I was quite interested in how tight the throat would be. Im not too sure what it is, but the texture just feels soft and mushy. Like there is nothing to the bumps, but also not in a way that its just soft.
The first time I used this I ended up swapping mid session to another toy.
I must say, the appearance is quite nice, the tongue and teeth are done well.
If you are into bj toys, this could be your thing, but personally I prefer getting more into my onas.
If you are on the fence about bj toys try one of the two ended pussy/mouth combo toys or get this on sale.
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Interesting sensation
Commentaire par Anw
I don't own any other blowjob toy so I can't compare it in that sense, but I do own multiple tenga toys. I was a bit unsure about the teeth when I opened it, because they felt very hard to the touch, but don't beat it till you try it and I was pleasantly surprised. The sensation of the teeth gliding was great and I really did enjoy it, but I can imagine it feeling bad for some people. The toy is a bit softer than I would like it to be, I would like to feel the inside texture a bit more, but that is not a big complaint as it feels great anyway.
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If you can't choose...
Commentaire par JJ
..than take this one. Forget about all the other choices and toss away your fleshlight. Been there, done that.. and tried several different products. This one felt really good. Orgasm guaranteeth (pun intended). Okay.. its not the same as a real life blow job (or nutting in your partner's mouth and being sucked empty. Nothing will level that experience ;-) but it comes damn close when yo heat it up, put a little drops of great lube in there and breath slowly in and out when gently sliding in. You wouldn't be bangging the ape shit out of your partners mouth in real life too would you ? Take it slow and gentle and you will thank me later.
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Onahole BJ toys keep delivering
Commentaire par Anonymous
My second BJ onahole and third BJ toy overall. Miles ahead the FL boost blow if anyone has that one and is interested in how this compares. The teeth doesn't hurt but they add a level of realism and stimulation that's just incredible. It handles shallow and deep penetration excellently and cleanup isn't too bad because of its modest size. Great product.
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Very nice :)
Commentaire par Peet_14
I've bougt this toy as my first blowjob ona. And I was not disapointed, it felt great! It's size is on the medium end, at least compared to the "nezoko toy" (got that one after this one) but still pretty decent. The theet and toungh feel great. So nothing to be disapointed about
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My first BJ onahole and after some getting used to it, I absolutely love it!
Commentaire par (¬‿¬)
After trying a few "normal" onaholes I wanted to try using a BJ onahole to see how much different it feels. I was especially curious if those teeth were just there "for show" or if they would enhance the experience or if they would even end up being in the way after all? At first I was actually tending towards the latter one and was almost a bit disappointed and thought to myself "I kinda wish those teeth weren't there...", but after using this onahole it a bit longer, that first impression did a whole 180 on me! I started to really enjoy the added & unique feeling those teeth gave me and I ended up thinking that they greatly enhance the experience after all for me! It's a bit hard to put into words on why that is so I say: try it for yourself since this BJ onahole has a pretty fair price too!

Cleaning & Drying it is pretty easy, too. As always I recommend getting Dry Sticks if you don't already have some!

Overall I was pleasantly surprised and love how this one feels once you get used to it! No regrets at all about buying it!
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Great but soft
Commentaire par John
The onahole did not disappoint, it feels very nice but I wish I got the harder onahole.

- It's softer than I expected both durability-wise and sensation-wise. The teeth, which are reasonably hard will most likely fall off due to the material chipping away. Same on the tongue and a little bit on the inside. Does it change the feeling? Not really, just a bit of a bummer in terms of the durability. The sensation aspect is on me to be honest.

Now apart from that, the onahole is tight and comfortable. I use the True saliva Sakura with it without issue. T

The cleaning is, as expected of BJ onahole bit more time consuming due to teeth and tongue but it's nothing terrible. Once you get a hang of it, you can do it effectively and fast in my opinion. But do be careful about the teeth, be gentle when cleaning around them or the material around them might chip off. Meaning the teeth will fall off earlier, unless that's what you want of course.

Overall though, great onahole. You won't go wrong with it if you like soft toys.
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Incredible feeling
Commentaire par Josto
Just like a lot of Magic Eye toys, this one is Loli themed, so on top of being a good toy for oral, it's also a big turn to see her tiny mouth getting filled up.

Her tongue is very tiny and sexy, she struggles to even lick the tip. It's hot but I wish it was bigger and longer, to give you more foreplay possibilities.

The insertion is... the most uncomfortable part because you need to get past the teeth and it feels horrible. But once you're in, they gently grind against your shaft (in a good way!) and they lock you in.

While the teeth and tongue take care of the base, you're free to dive deeper. Her throat is a bouncy ride and it feels amazing to slide in and out of it, it massages the head perfectly, especially the underside.

Honestly I recommend it if you don't have a good oral toy, plus it's not that expensive.
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The tongue feels super real
Commentaire par Kev
This is my first blowjob type Onahole. I was surprised by the realism and detail. The tongue is the best part for me. The tongue feels REAL. It’s soft but not as soft as a “fuwatoro” toy. The teeth are interesting and I read a lot of good reviews about this feature. But I didn't like the intensity of the fairly hard teeth, so I took them out (it was really easy). And now I like it even more.
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Extremely realistic experience
Commentaire par Boe
Wow! The feeling from this ona really suprised me! To start, the packacging this ona arrived in is super nice and the lube packet it comes with is perfect for this ona! Now, this ona will not be for everyone, because the teeth can get in the way. The teeth are hard with a very thin rubber/tpe coating. The teeth slightly scratch you as you use this ona, but if you don't let it slide freely or use a lube that dries out too quickly, It can start to hurt. For the gentlemen who want a more 'rough' experience with their onas, I can not recommend this one, because the teeth WILL start to get in the way the rougher you go. The cleaning for this ona is a little more complicated than regular ones, but still easy. This ona is extremely subjective, some people will love the reallistic feeling it gives them by hitting the throat barrier and pushing your bratwurst to a certain side the deeper you go, others will hate it because of the teeth and scratching sensation it gives.
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Tolle Verarbeitung.. aber nicht meins.
Commentaire par Ecchi
Die Bocca Della Verita Perorin ist toll verarbeitet und ich war auch ganz gespannt wie sie sich wohl anfühlen mag. Das Erlebnis im inneren ist toll und auch die Zähne fühlen sich sanfter als echte an… leider habe ich nach dem Vergnügen streifen an meinem besten und scheint gereizt. Für mich persönlich also nicht so prickelnd aber das heist ja nicht das es euch auch so gehen muss. Ansonsten toll verarbeitet und das inner fühlt sich toll an.
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Great toy, teeth a welcome addition
Commentaire par Leetz
This is an amazing toy (especially if paired with a saliva styled lube) and the addition of the teeth is surprisingly amazing
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Nice and tight with DIY improvement
Commentaire par Michal
One of the better onaholes I own and still looks like new after 2 almost years of use. Had to "trim" the teeth with scissors after first few uses to make it more comfortable.
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Recommend if you like teeth
Commentaire par KiBe
My first blowjob onahole and it feels very good. The teeth adds a lot. Easy to clean, and nice box
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Not bad, but beware
Commentaire par Ssing
Magic Eyes has a good material, ive bought other products from them before, so ill list some pros & cons
- Good material
- Tight, detailed tunnel
- Small toys = loud noise
- Not nearly as fun as waist / full body toys
- Tight toys will tear more easily, will last for maybe 2-6 months
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it will suck you dry
Commentaire par a stick
Amazing product! Would absolutely recommend to buy. For me it was the first of it's kind and I'm very happy with my purchase.
I was sceptical about the teeth, but I absolutely love the sensation.
Cleaning is straight forward.
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Very bad smell
Commentaire par m
What really surprised me was the smell. It is much worse than the usual smell associated with toys. In time, it thankfully got slightly better. The feeling itself is very good. I like the texture of the tunnel, and the tightness is just right. The teeth are a nice addition, however they can be a little too much sometimes, since they are constantly in contact with you. The length of the tunnel is about 1cm too short for me unfortunately. There also appears to be a quality issue. After the very first use, small parts of the material started to peel from the inside. It's nothing too bad for now, as it still feels and works fine. Overall it seems like a good toy, I recommend it.
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Sehr gefühlsecht!
Commentaire par Daniel
Ein tolles Produkt. Hat meinen Erwartungen übertroffen und ich würde es wieder kaufen!
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Disrecommend if girth slightly above average
Commentaire par Phil
It's hard for me to recommend this Ona as it was mostly just painful (due to teeth grinding on my pp) and it was hard getting any for of enjoyment from the product or the experience. I was surprised by how soft it was on the other hand and likely makes for a good product normally.
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zeker een aanrader
Commentaire par nawid
de toy voelt echt heel lekker aan. daarnaast is het ook vrij goed in elkaar gezet en is het na ongeveer half een jaar van zwaar gebruik nog steeds in top conditie
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Top Tier
Commentaire par Someone
Probably the best toy I bought
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Commentaire par P.M.
Really surprised, ​for​ the positive way, ​in​ a first BJ toy experience. The feeling of the 'teeth', that some point out as unpleasant, is actually something very subjective. Personally, I think they provide a close approach to realistic teeth/smooth bite feeling. The sensation is really interesting and pleasant in particular in the area where the teeth bite with voracious smoothness and, of course, complementing with La Bocca Della Verità Sweet Lotion lubricant that aims to look like true saliva (obvious not exactly the same thing, actually a little far from it, although the formula can be improved spraying/mixing warm water).
Points where la Bocca della Verità Perorin (or any other version) could be improved: It would be interesting if the lips were made of a so​f​ter material (resembling real lips) and the tongue was thicker.
​Anyway, overall, it is great like it is.​​ ​
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Commentaire par P.M.
Really surprised, for the positive way, ​in​ a first BJ toy experience. The feeling of the 'teeth', that some point out as unpleasant, is actually something very subjective. Personally, I think they provide a close approach to realistic teeth/smooth bite feeling. The sensation is really interesting and pleasant in particular in the area where the teeth bite and pull with voracious smoothness. And, of course, complementing with La Bocca Della Verità Sweet Lotion lubricant that aims to look like true saliva (obvious not exactly the same thing, actually a little far from it, although the formula can be improved spraying/mixing warm water).
Points where la Bocca della Verità Perorin (or any other version) could be improved: It would be interesting if the lips were made of a so​f​ter material (resembling real lips) and the tongue was thicker.
​Anyway, overall, it is great like it is.​
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Commentaire par Goom
Feels great and looks great, the softer teeth compared to the original are a good step up.
the feeling is especially great with the verita sweet lotion, it's basically a must have combo.
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Never splunked so quick
Commentaire par Baliro
I've owned 2 love dolls and about 10 onas until now. I don't think I ever released myself as quick as I did with this little beast.
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Commentaire par Haru
Tunnel is amazing. The teeth feel really nice, they are hard but never in a bad way.
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Commentaire par Xela
Er valt niet veel te vertellen over deze schoonheid.
Fuck me, it feels too real.
Over de duurzaamheid kan ik niet veel vertellen, ik zag reviews staan dat hij best prima is. Sommigen zeggen beter dan de eerdere versies.
Either way, ik was ook ff huiverig vanwege een kleine 100 euro aan producten die je nodig hebt voor de expierence, this one included.

But yea, worth. :')

Highly recommend if that wasn't clear.
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Wahnsinn, sehr gutes Gefühl, fühlt sich echt an.
Commentaire par Hijiri
Hätte nicht gedacht, dass man so ein TOLLES Gefühl durch ein Onahole bekommen kann. Doch dieses Onahole hat mich echt überrascht, es fühlt sich wahnsinnig gut an und dazu auch noch realistisch. Wie ein echter Bloßjob der einen aussaugt ohne dass man etwas dagegen machen kann, klare Kaufempfehlung! :) Dazu am besten noch das passende Gleitgel vom Hersteller kaufen ;)
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Tolles Produkt
Commentaire par Reine
Die Onahole ist weder zu hart noch zu weich und etwas Gewöhnung bedürftig, fühlt sich aber sehr gut an.
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The better of the two
Commentaire par P.
The softer teeth and the tongue sticking out make for a smoother experience in comparison with the regular Mouth of Truth. And not only it feels better, but it also lasts longer: in less than ten uses I had two copies of the regular Mouth of Truth's mouth tearing at the sides while Perorin has been able to hold out despite having seen a lot more use.
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Feels great, very soft
Commentaire par Cuckadillo
Feels great although very soft, you do have the hard version available if you prefer that.
If I was looking for places of improvement I'd maybe suggest the introduction of tightening rings like the nupu2 has for added inner tunnel variety.

Using this along with a hard blowjob onahole is a great combination.
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Fantastisch product
Commentaire par Anoniem
Deze onahole raad ik iedereen, mits je normaal gesproken snel klaar bent. Deze onahole is namelijk erg strak en stimuleerd dan ook heel erg, erger dan een echte blowjob! persoonlijk vind ik dit juist een pluspunt vergeleken sommige onaholes die juist heel zacht zijn en weinig stimulatie bieden.

Ik raad je wel aan om genoeg glijmiddel erbij te kopen, en als je groot geschapen bent moet je niet verwachten er helemaal in te kunnen, buitenom een geweldige onahole.

Hij staat zeker in mijn top 3.
Toch geef ik 4 sterren omdat hij van mij nog wel iets groter had gemogen.
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This mouth really tells the truth
Commentaire par Lipbandit69
By date my favorite masturbator, out of the 5 masturbators I've tried this one easily beats them all. The first time the teeth were being a bit grindy but now sure if it loosened up a bit and just accepted me after it. This one really is stimulating and amazing, nothing more to say. 100% recommend this for anyone who doesn't have a proper mouth hole or even vaginal hole, this one beat vaginal holes even. Only drawback I can think of is cleaning which is slightly harder because of the tight throat and big grooves inside, but it stretches quite well so you can still get in there with relative easy, just harder than your average hole.
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Tough is a good addition
Commentaire par R
The presence of tongue means teeth will not scrap you as much as the original while still maintain the nice teeth stimulation. Can also create a bit of the vacuum sucking sensation.
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Klein maar fijn
Commentaire par D
Ook dit speeltje is wat kleiner als verwacht (heeft meer met mij te maken als het speeltje) het voelt echter wel fijn aan vooral met een berg glijmiddel.
Glijmiddel is dan ook de sleutel omdat zonder de tanden minder vriendelijk met je zullen zijn..
Maar zeker een aanrader!
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Beter dan de Bocca!
Commentaire par Grutte Pier
the best
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Better than the original
Commentaire par A
I have tried the original Mouth of Truth before and found to enjoy this one a lot more. Feels like a better design, less creepy, the tongue is cute and feels better overall. The tongue covers the bottom teeth but for me that made the toy better, only feeling the top teeth whilst the tongue provides a texture whilst you slide. The original used to feel like you were scrapping between the teeth all the time but that's not the case for this toy, the teeth are also softer. Durability seems the same... I created a hole at the back of the old one so the same could happen to this, you just need to not push against the back really hard otherwise it could last a long time. I also think this one is quieter.

Highly recommend!
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Very good
Commentaire par Someguy
Good onahole but for me i removed the teeth.
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Best Blowjob Onahole i tried so far
Commentaire par Stai
I tried a few different Onaholes the last 365 days now, and i must say this onahole is one of the best i tried, mostly because of how insanely tight it is but also the teeth adds such a nice realistic feeling.

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Not sure
Commentaire par birdie
Delivery by Motsutoys was fast, shoutout to them.

The product looks great and all, but the smell of rubber is so damn bad on this one. Like, when I first unpacked it, I almost gagged because it smelled so disgusting. It seems like it was coated in a thin layer of some sort of powder, and that stuff also smelled disgusting. I tried washing it thoroughly with some soap, kinda helped but still smells kinda bad. I dunno if that's normal with onaholes in particular, but I got the big lolinco too and that one wasn't nearly as bad as this one.

I still tried it out after I washed it, stimulation is nice but that smell was always there, kinda ruined it. I sure hope the smell disappears in a few days.
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Great product
Commentaire par John
Good product, soft but great sensation. The teeth are removable if your sensitive.
Relatively easy to clean (the small entrance doesn’t help but it’s manageable).
Don’t really know for the durability, however. Like all dual layer the risk of separation exist.
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Beter dan de Fleshlight Turbo Thrust
Commentaire par Matt
Persoonlijk vind ik The Mouth of Truth Pelolin beter dan de Fleshlight Turbo Thrust, de Thrust is speciaal gemaakt voor het simuleren van orale sex maar vergeleken met de Pelolin vond ik dat de Pelolin veel beter aanvoelde en continue stimulatie gaf vooral de tanden, en ookal had de Pelolin wat meer imperfecties zoals kleine fabrieksfouten (wat je nou eenmaal krijgt als je iets massaal produceert) raad ik het zeker aan
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Very good
Commentaire par SonWeed
Very good
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My first MoT
Commentaire par Saikuzu
This is my first oral onahole so the sensation was pretty amazing, the teeth provide great stimulation ; an onahole warmer is welcomed, it really changes things here.
It is also easy to clean, just have to be careful to let it dry properly!

MT CS is great as always.
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Nice product
Commentaire par DD
The feeling is amazing and it's also easy to clean.
The shipping was great.
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Voelt goed aan
Commentaire par Dick
Voelt realistisch aan. Goede vacuüm. En de tandjes doen geen pijn :). Voelt eigenlijk best wel prettig. Weer een prima product. En na meerdere keren gebruik nog niet ingescheurd. En over de service zullen we het maar niet hebben. Zoals iedereen die hier shopt weet dat het perfect is.
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zker een aanrader!
Commentaire par Mike
zal het kort houden deze mond of waarheid is perfect.
zeker als je de tong naar binnen doet en tijdens het gebruik de tong weer terug valt is het een genot, de tandjes werken mee en hoppa je bent klaar! geloof me maar.
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no points gained
Commentaire par Den
please fix this and also i dont remember clicking on Toysack reward and points on the site seem to change every now and then
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similar to MoT classic with slightly different feel
Commentaire par Den
The MoTP feels only slightly different from the classic one and the tongue will rub you a little underneath and the teeth are about the same I didnt notice too much difference here. Both onaholes are worth their money in any case what you go for you cant do much wrong. Both give you pleasure good enough i find my personal favorite in the ONDO NUPU for now however and its easier to clean and dry and in addition you have vaginal stimulation in one toy. I like all 3 onaholes and they are a great buy. If you own both switch between the two of them its like you have fun with twin sisters ^-^ which they are.
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